Tucson Pop-Up Class
Sunday Nov. 13, 2022
Floor Polish Studio

Kring Fotography, Tucson AZ


Sunday November 13th
Afternoon Session 2:30-4:00pm
Floor Polish Dance Studio

90 minutes of yoga, meditation, and mudras. Class is composed of vinyasa-style movements, breathwork, the use of props, and a long savasana.

This class offering is a donation opportunity. 50% of proceeds will be given to The Lot On 22ND, a Community Outreach Program Founded in Tucson, AZ. Organized by Arianna Jimenez in 2012, The Lot feeds 50+ people twice a week on Thursdays and Sundays 5:00- 6:45 p.m.

Cash, check, and venmo will be accepted for donations at the time of the class.

Please RSVP for Tucson Pop-up Class