Yoga Wall Class
August 4th, September 1st
Sundays 7:00 - 8:15 pm
Pre registration required
Register Here
The Yoga Wall is a therapeutic tool and technique using pelvic swings and straps to help decompress the body by applying gentle tractions. In this class series you will learn the foundations of the Yoga Wall by approaching common yoga poses in a new, functional way. Enhance your alignment, make space in your body, and have fun! This class series will have an emphasis on self-care and healing practices.
When: The first Sunday night of each month. *note- All yoga wall class offerings will be discontinued after the Sept. 1st session. Yoga is Therapy studio will be closing October 2019.
Final Yoga Wall Class
Aug. 4, 2019
Sept.1, 2019
Time: 7:00- 8:15pm
Where: Yoga is Therapy
Cost: $15 per class
Register for Yoga Wall Class
As someone who practices mostly vinyasa yoga, the yoga wall class allows my body to slow down and decompress. I tend to hold a lot of tension in my neck, and the gentle inversions with the pelvic swings allow my neck and shoulders to relax and lengthen.
Kali offers an assortment of postures; some in which the body surrenders to gravity and others which require the muscles to actively work. The yoga wall has helped me discover healthy alignment in common (and not so common!) yoga asanas. I leave every yoga wall class feeling looser, taller, and distressed! - Lucy
If you are ready to take your spine health to the next level, Kali's Yoga Wall class is the prescription. I'm 1.5 years post spinal fusion (L4, L5) and I have found that this wall class releases and aligns my spine in ways other modalities have not. And to make it even better, Kali is gentle, easy, and kind. She will encourage you to go a little deeper into the pose but is always keeping you safe and supported. I feel so blessed to have found this wall class - Greg
The yoga wall class with Kali is a gift to myself I truly treasure. Here, I enjoy the practice of yoga in an intimate class setting, build trust in my body, and experience new ways to find knowledge about my poses and personal alignment with fun props. Kali’s authentic teaching provides a cozy and safe space to really go for the playfulness of flying, maneuvering, and surrendering with the wall as a tool. I always leave feeling satisfied and expanded.- Kate